You Don%27t Have A Valid License To Run Csr Harmony

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  3. Valid License Check
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In this case your company would have no problem in asking CSR Harmony from CSR support. The other stacks are MS BT stack, Broadcomm, BlueSoleil and Sybase iAnywhere Blue SDK. You could try iAnywhere to see if it meets your expectations. – garzanti Mar 2 '11 at 6:36.

May 11, 2005

This article was contributed by Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier.

You Don't Have A Valid License To Run Csr Harmony Pennsylvania

Geir Magnusson Jr. sent out aproposal for 'Project Harmony' which would create an open sourceimplementation of the Java 2 Platform, StandardEdition (J2SE) version 5 and a 'community-developed modular runtime(VM and class library) architecture for independent implementationsto share runtime components, all to be available under the Apache License, v2.

The proposal calls for 'a broad, collaborative community ofcontributors,' and there is an impressive list of interested partiesin Magnusson's proposal. We talked with Magnusson about the project,the interest which has been shown so far, and whether Sun had beenapproached to cut out the middleman and simply open source their implementation of J2SE to saveeveryone the hassle of doing it again.

Magnusson said that the project 'was a long time coming,' butthere was not a specific catalyst that made the group decide that now wasthe time to move forward. 'Finally, we just decided that it'stime.' He also emphasized that Harmony is about 'buildingcommunities that can collaborate..we're looking at inviting everybody whowishes to participate.'

With regard to Sun and open source Java, Magnusson said that 'werespect Sun's right to make their decision [regarding licensing].'We also wondered whether Magnusson or someone from the Harmony project hadapproached Sun to confirm that the company isn't planning on an open sourceversion of Java. Magnusson said that Sun had been made aware of theproject, but that he 'won't say we've gotten an assurance thatthey're not going to do this in the next two years.'

Sun's Graham Hamilton hasalso said that Sun will probably participate 'at some level,although most of our efforts will continue to be focused on building Sun'sreference implementation of J2SE.' Although Hamilton puts a damperon the endorsement by adding:

I am not entirely sure if the worldreally needs a second J2SE implementation, but at the same time I am alsoglad to see that all the effort we put into getting the rules and thelicensing issues straightened out is actually proving useful!

You Don't Have A Valid License To Run Csr Harmony California

Bruno F. Souza, 'the numberone Java Evangelist in Brazil,' and another individual listed in theHarmony proposal, also comments on Harmony in his blog and on the needfor a second implementation:

In this, Hamilton is wrong. How important would be J2EE if we had a singleapplication server? For a long time now the Java Community needs anotherJ2SE implementation. At this point we don't even have a proof that the JCPspecs are valid! In a recent talk with James Gosling at Café Brasil, whilewe discussed Kaffe and Classpath, James commented on how important a cleanroom implementation was for this very reason. The work of the FSF on theClasspath and GCJ projects, and the teams of Kaffe, JamVM and others, areall validating parts of the spec, what only strengthen our wholecommunity. The fact that these projects exists should be seen as positiveand should be supported and cherished by all developers, and not ignoredlike they have been for so long.

Not only that, but another implementation promotes competition and fosterinnovation. An open source implementation helps in research, discussionsand even in the evolution of the Compatibility Kit. Sun recognizes thevalue of that, that's why Mustang source code is now available on anongoing basis, and why Sun proposed recent licensing changes to itsimplementation, to promote this very things. But this is not enough. Sun'slicensing changes get to the edge of the water, but although noticing thatthe water is cold can be relaxing and beneficial, it don't really give youany of the benefits of swimming. I have already discussed elsewhere otherreasons why I think an open source implementation of Java is needed.

There is certainly plenty of need for an open source Java in the opensource community. It's already been commented on, several times, that OpenOffice.org2.0 has Java requirements that may pose problems for distributions thatdon't ship Sun's Java due to license problems. There is also the questionof Java on operating systems and/or hardware architectures not supported bySun. Magnusson agreed this was a 'personal driver' for hisinterest in the Harmony project.

Of course, there are already efforts underway to create open sourceimplementations of Java, such as Kaffeand GNUClasspath. Kaffe is an implementation of the Java virtual machine andclass libraries to provide a Java Runtime Environment (JRE), while GNUClasspath is a project to create the core class libraries for use withvirtual machines and compilers. There is also the GNU Compiler for Java (GCJ) and many other open sourceefforts. /adobe-photoshop-cs3-free-activation-code.html.

However, there are a few areas where Harmony may be more desirable in thelong run. Firstly, Magnusson stressed the importance of certification forthe Harmony project, to ensure compatibility with Sun's J2SE 5. Secondly,as an Apache project, the group may be able to draw from a wider group ofcontributors than Kaffe or other projects -- particularly from companiesthat would like to see a fully-compatible open source implementation ofJ2SE 5.

Harmony seems to be getting quite a bit of interest already. Dalibor Topic,a contributor to both Kaffe and GNU Classpath, is one of the otherindividuals who have signed on to the Harmony proposal. He explains hisinterest in the project in his Advogatodiary:

What the hell am I doing there, then, not being an Apache? Well, twothings: a) trying to help bring ASF and FSF closer together, and ASF usingand contributing to FSF's class libraries would be a pretty good thing tohappen no matter which path towards a runtime they chose, and b) the ASFcan reach a wide audience among developers programming in the Javaprogramming language that so far has either not heard, or been skepticalabout Free Software runtimes based on GNU Classpath. For whatever reasonthe ASF seems to evoke much less fear and terror in some circles than theFSF, which may make working with those circles through the ASF easier.

Whether the Harmony, GNU Classpath, Kaffe and other projects will be ableto sort out licensing is another question. We asked Magnusson about thelicensing hurdles, and he said that they are 'working to fixlicensing issues' and noted that the project was trying to solvelicensing problems 'in parallel,' since 'licensingdiscussions can bog down anything.'

There are also those who might prefer to forget Java altogether andconcentrate on something like Mono instead. While Mono is an interestingtechnology, it's not always a substitute for Java and may not meeteveryone's needs. It also seems unlikely we'll see broad support for Monofrom all quarters soon, judging by Havoc Pennington's comments on the Java andMono discussion with regards to Harmony:

I believe we have legitimate and non-evil reasons why we [Red Hat] can'tship Mono. And I think open source Java looks plausible and a lot nicerthan C; Java and Classpath will even run on Mono, and if C# becomes moreviable later, experiments such as Graydon's or the Lucene port show that itisn't hard to do a Java to C# conversion. And guess what, we need opensource Java in the desktop anyhow for and the browser pluginat minimum.

I don't know what people expect Red Hat GNOME developers to do. We can'troll over and say 'OK, we'll start hacking in C#, even though we don't seea path to shipping any of the stuff we're hacking on' - does anyoneseriously expect that?

..I'm not trying to exhaustively belabor the Java vs. C# technicalcomparison but I am trying to point out that Java has a hell of a lot goingfor it including open source developer tools and libraries and hugemomentum (largely open source) on the server side. Java 5 has some cutelanguage features, too, and Tromey has shown how to make native codebindings easy.

To get a general idea how long it might take for a group to implement J2SE,one might look at the ApacheGeronimo project, which is an implementation of the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition(J2EE). The project started in August 2003, and became an official Apachetop-level project inMay 2004. According to Magnusson, the Geronimo project is now workingto pass Sun's TCK for J2EE 1.4, though it isn't clear how much more timewill be required for it to reach full compatibility.

For those interested in participating, Magnusson has sent out a FAQ about the project whichincludes instructions on joining the development mailing list. The projectis not yet listed on the Apache Incubator siteyet.

If Harmony is successful, which looks quite likely given the interest ithas stirred already, it will be quite beneficial to the open sourcecommunity. While it would be much easier if Sun simply provided an opensource implementation, the community has the tools needed to do so.
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