Install Pecl On Mac

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  • Linux/Unix/Mac
  • Windows DLLs
  • Developer Tools
  • IDE stubs

Phalcon is a C extension, so you need to download a binary for your platform or compile it from source code.

Installing PHP PEAR and PECL extensions on MAMP for Mac OS X 10.7 (Lion) Share. All being well, you should now be able to install PECL extensions. RESOLVED pecl install phpize failed groovepapa I'm trying to install the PDO extension using pecl on my Mac with xampp, but I'm getting a very ambiguous error. PECL is a repository of PHP extensions that are made available to you via the PEAR packaging system. This section of the manual is intended to demonstrate how to obtain and install PECL extensions. These instructions assume /your/phpsrcdir/ is the path to the PHP source distribution, and that extname is the name of the PECL extension.

The PSR extension is required to be loaded before Phalcon. Please ensure that it is available in your system


Install Pecl On Mac

Using Pecl this extension will be automatically installed in your system The Pecl installation method is available for Windows, Linux and MacOS. Under windows pre-compiled dll files will be used. Under Linux and MacOS it will compile phalcon locally so it could be faster to use a different installation method on these platforms. To install using Pecl make sure you have pecl/pear installed.

Ubuntu or Debian

To install Phalcon on Ubuntu or Debian you need to follow these steps:

If you wish to install the legacy version of Phalcon (1.x) use the following PPA:

If you are missing apt-add-repository run the following command:


On Linux you can easily compile and install the extension from source code.


We need some packages previously installed:

  • PHP 5.x development resources
  • GCC compiler


1. To create the extension from C source follow these steps:

2. Add the extension to your php.ini:

3. Finally, restart the webserver

Arch Linux

There is a PKGBUILD for ArchLinux, available here


There is a package available here (thanks to Mariusz Łączak)

Install Pecl Macos Catalina


A port is available for FreeBSD. You only need these few commands to install it:



Install Pecl On Mac Virtualbox

After requests from the community, the cPanel developers released a custom module that allows for installation of Phalcon in cPanel hosted sites. Information can be found here. The module is maintained in Github.


Install Pecl Extension Mac

Although Phalcon does not binary link to other extensions it does use some of them to offer functionality. The extensions used are:

  • mbstring
  • mcrypt
  • openssl
  • PDO
  • PDO/Mysql
  • PDO/Postgresql
  • PDO/Sqlite
  • PDO/Oracle
  • Mongo

It is not necessary for all the above extensions to be present in the system that has Phalcon installed. You can only install the ones that meet your needs. For instance if you use a MySQL database, then you can only load PDO and PDO/MySQL ignoring the Oracle, SQlite, Postgresql and Mongo.

Install Pecl On Mac 10.13

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